How I Got Here

Once I was in love later, I was pregnant and alone. Being an idealist, I always thought that having a child was the highest commitment one could make with another human, beyond any legal or traditional ceremony. As passionate and committed, this relationship seemed to me; it appears that at the end, it was merely a case of infatuation.

At the time, as I was nursing a broken heart; I was in a place that is never real until it happens to you.  Gone through a miscarriage, I knew I had to remain calm and keep positivity in some form in my life. I worked until almost the last days of my pregnancy, but I also had many hours in the day in which I had to fill with anything that didn't make me think of my pain.
I began to immerse myself in anything that seemed appealing to me at the time: starting with crossword puzzles, recipes, and books. Books and audiobooks were my saving grace; they became my most significant source of enjoyment. I went from investing, self-help, nutrition, and even herbs for good health.

My pregnancy flew by, and My little guy came two weeks early, thanks to preeclampsia. I was scared,  being a first-time mom, as well as being an only child; I never had experience with a newborn. I had to learn quickly and well because this little man needed one reliable parent, and that was me.
I continue on my journey of knowledge, learning everything that intrigued or whispered to my sense of curiosity — all in the hopes of finding my dharma or purpose. I am keeping an open mind and allowing my eagerness to lead the way; I continued to expand while staying humble and thirsty for more. We often get stuck in one form of living because that is all that we know, and we sometimes get in our way.

Life is so beautiful for its simplicity, yet its various layers of complexities. Sometimes the universe throws us off balance and without an explanation pushes us out of our comfort to get us on a new path. Travel has always been my favorite part of life, but the most significant knowledge I have acquired about myself and how I take in the world has been at a time when I could barely move.
In a way, this catastrophic feeling of lost lead me to a new path, that college and all my education couldn't show me. I may not know where I'm going but am you're going with an open heart and trust that it is rigged in my favor.


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